Since its inception in 2010 Man4Security has provided a high quality service to our clients. We operate in London. Our strategy is to clearly understand customer’s requirements from the onset, and provide a cost effective security solution.
We start our service with a thorough Security Risk Assessment with specialist advice in Fire Safety, Site Safety and potential crime. We prepare a security plan for any site including risk assessments, fire safety instructions and Assignment Instruction. Our Quality Management System allows us to offer our customers the best service and we guarantee customer satisfaction.
We are approved by Safecontractor for providing Security Guarding. This enables us to meet high standards of Health & Safety and comply with all its requirements. Safety of our staff and customers are our priority.
We also certify company by SSAIB for the Security System – Intruder Alarm, which You can be sure Our service is on the high standard.
Our QMS System is operat to the high standard of ISO 9001 (International Standards Organisation) further extending the standards that we are required to meet in order to provide services to our clients and to improve performance, reduce risk and achieve sustainable growth.